All Computer Keyboard Symbol Names List by SPAC Institute Raipur

All Computer Keyboard Symbol Names List (कंप्यूटर कीबोर्ड सिम्बल लिस्ट)


Study Point and Career (SPAC Institute Raipur)

All Computer Keyboard Symbol Names List by SPAC Institute Raipur

S.NO Symbol Name
1 ` grave| grave accent| backtick| back quote
2 ~ tilde
3 ! exclamation mark| exclamation point| bang
4 @ at| at sign| at symbol
5 # pound| hash| number
6 $ dollar(s)
7 % percent| percent sign| parts per 100
8 ^ carat| hat| circumflex| exponent symbol
9 & and| ampersand
10 * asterisk
11 ( open parenthesis| left parenthesis
12 ) close parenthesis| right parenthesis
13 ( ) parentheses| round brackets
14 hyphen| minus| minus sign| dash
15 _ underscore
16 = equals| equal sign
17 + addition| plus sign
18 [ ] brackets| square brackets
19 [ open bracket
20 ] close bracket
21 { } braces| curly brackets
22 { open brace
23 } close brace
24 \ backslash| backward slash
25 | vertical pipe| pipe
26 ; semicolon
27 : colon
28 apostrophe| prime| single quote
29 quotation mark| double quotes
30 , comma
31 . period| decimal| dot
32 / slash| forward slash
33 <> angle brackets
34 < less than
35 > greater than
36 ? question mark

All Keyboard Special Symbols

S.NO Symbol Name
1 £ pound(s)| pound sterling
2 $ dollar(s)
3 ¢ cent(s)
4 euro(s)
5 ¥ Japanese yen| Chinese yuan
6 infinity
7 § section
8 paragraph
9 trademark
10 © copyright
11 ® registered trademark
12 bullet
13 º degree
14 ± plus or minus
15 not equal sign| inequality
16 approximately
17 upper case sigma| summation
18 π lower case pi
19 upper case pi
20 square root| radical
21 % percent| parts per 100
22 per mille| parts per 1000
23 ÷ division
24 less than or equal to
25 greater than or equal to
26 dagger| cross
27 double dagger| double cross
28 ellipsis
29 en dash
30 em dash
31 upper case delta| change
32 Ω upper case omega
33 µ lower case mu| population mean

All Computer Keyboard Symbol Names List by SPAC Institute Raipur

  1. ` symbol name in computer = grave| grave accent| backtick| back quote
  2. ~ symbol name in computer = tilde
  3. ! symbol name in computer = exclamation mark| exclamation point| bang
  4. @ symbol name in computer = at| at sign| at symbol
  5. # symbol name in computer = pound| hash| number
  6. $ symbol name in computer = dollar(s)
  7. % symbol name in computer = percent| percent sign| parts per 100
  8. ^ symbol name in computer = carat| hat| circumflex| exponent symbol
  9. & symbol name in computer = and| ampersand
  10. * symbol name in computer = asterisk
  11. ( symbol name in computer = open parenthesis| left parenthesis
  12. ) symbol name in computer = close parenthesis| right parenthesis
  13. ( ) symbol name in computer = parentheses| round brackets
  14. symbol name in computer = hyphen| minus| minus sign| dash
  15. _ symbol name in computer = underscore
  16. = symbol name in computer = equals| equal sign
  17. + symbol name in computer = addition| plus sign
  18. [ ] symbol name in computer = brackets| square brackets
  19. [ symbol name in computer = open bracket
  20. ] symbol name in computer = close bracket
  21. { } symbol name in computer = braces| curly brackets
  22. { symbol name in computer = open brace
  23. } symbol name in computer = close brace
  24. \ symbol name in computer = backslash| backward slash
  25. | symbol name in computer = vertical pipe| pipe
  26. ; symbol name in computer = semicolon
  27. : symbol name in computer = colon
  28. symbol name in computer = apostrophe| prime| single quote
  29. symbol name in computer = quotation mark| double quotes
  30. , symbol name in computer = comma
  31. . symbol name in computer = period| decimal| dot
  32. / symbol name in computer = slash| forward slash
  33. <> symbol name in computer = angle brackets
  34. < symbol name in computer = less than
  35. > symbol name in computer = greater than
  36. ? symbol name in computer = question mark

SPAC Institute Raipur

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