All Computer Keyboard Symbol Names List by SPAC Institute Raipur
All Computer Keyboard Symbol Names List (कंप्यूटर कीबोर्ड सिम्बल लिस्ट)
Study Point and Career (SPAC Institute Raipur)
All Computer Keyboard Symbol Names List by SPAC Institute Raipur
S.NO | Symbol | Name |
1 | ` | grave| grave accent| backtick| back quote |
2 | ~ | tilde |
3 | ! | exclamation mark| exclamation point| bang |
4 | @ | at| at sign| at symbol |
5 | # | pound| hash| number |
6 | $ | dollar(s) |
7 | % | percent| percent sign| parts per 100 |
8 | ^ | carat| hat| circumflex| exponent symbol |
9 | & | and| ampersand |
10 | * | asterisk |
11 | ( | open parenthesis| left parenthesis |
12 | ) | close parenthesis| right parenthesis |
13 | ( ) | parentheses| round brackets |
14 | – | hyphen| minus| minus sign| dash |
15 | _ | underscore |
16 | = | equals| equal sign |
17 | + | addition| plus sign |
18 | [ ] | brackets| square brackets |
19 | [ | open bracket |
20 | ] | close bracket |
21 | { } | braces| curly brackets |
22 | { | open brace |
23 | } | close brace |
24 | \ | backslash| backward slash |
25 | | | vertical pipe| pipe |
26 | ; | semicolon |
27 | : | colon |
28 | ‘ | apostrophe| prime| single quote |
29 | “ | quotation mark| double quotes |
30 | , | comma |
31 | . | period| decimal| dot |
32 | / | slash| forward slash |
33 | <> | angle brackets |
34 | < | less than |
35 | > | greater than |
36 | ? | question mark |
All Keyboard Special Symbols
S.NO | Symbol | Name |
1 | £ | pound(s)| pound sterling |
2 | $ | dollar(s) |
3 | ¢ | cent(s) |
4 | € | euro(s) |
5 | ¥ | Japanese yen| Chinese yuan |
6 | ∞ | infinity |
7 | § | section |
8 | ¶ | paragraph |
9 | ™ | trademark |
10 | © | copyright |
11 | ® | registered trademark |
12 | • | bullet |
13 | º | degree |
14 | ± | plus or minus |
15 | ≠ | not equal sign| inequality |
16 | ≈ | approximately |
17 | ∑ | upper case sigma| summation |
18 | π | lower case pi |
19 | ∏ | upper case pi |
20 | √ | square root| radical |
21 | % | percent| parts per 100 |
22 | ‰ | per mille| parts per 1000 |
23 | ÷ | division |
24 | ≤ | less than or equal to |
25 | ≥ | greater than or equal to |
26 | † | dagger| cross |
27 | ‡ | double dagger| double cross |
28 | … | ellipsis |
29 | – | en dash |
30 | — | em dash |
31 | ∆ | upper case delta| change |
32 | Ω | upper case omega |
33 | µ | lower case mu| population mean |
All Computer Keyboard Symbol Names List by SPAC Institute Raipur
- ` symbol name in computer = grave| grave accent| backtick| back quote
- ~ symbol name in computer = tilde
- ! symbol name in computer = exclamation mark| exclamation point| bang
- @ symbol name in computer = at| at sign| at symbol
- # symbol name in computer = pound| hash| number
- $ symbol name in computer = dollar(s)
- % symbol name in computer = percent| percent sign| parts per 100
- ^ symbol name in computer = carat| hat| circumflex| exponent symbol
- & symbol name in computer = and| ampersand
- * symbol name in computer = asterisk
- ( symbol name in computer = open parenthesis| left parenthesis
- ) symbol name in computer = close parenthesis| right parenthesis
- ( ) symbol name in computer = parentheses| round brackets
- – symbol name in computer = hyphen| minus| minus sign| dash
- _ symbol name in computer = underscore
- = symbol name in computer = equals| equal sign
- + symbol name in computer = addition| plus sign
- [ ] symbol name in computer = brackets| square brackets
- [ symbol name in computer = open bracket
- ] symbol name in computer = close bracket
- { } symbol name in computer = braces| curly brackets
- { symbol name in computer = open brace
- } symbol name in computer = close brace
- \ symbol name in computer = backslash| backward slash
- | symbol name in computer = vertical pipe| pipe
- ; symbol name in computer = semicolon
- : symbol name in computer = colon
- ‘ symbol name in computer = apostrophe| prime| single quote
- “ symbol name in computer = quotation mark| double quotes
- , symbol name in computer = comma
- . symbol name in computer = period| decimal| dot
- / symbol name in computer = slash| forward slash
- <> symbol name in computer = angle brackets
- < symbol name in computer = less than
- > symbol name in computer = greater than
- ? symbol name in computer = question mark
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