Tally Prime All Important Shortcut Keys in Hindi

टैली प्राइम जब आप चलाते है, तो आपको बहुत सारे शॉर्टकट key की जरुरत होती है। कुछ shortcuts तो हमें पता होते है, मगर कुछ हमें नही पता होते है।

All Shortcut Keys of Tally Prime in Hindi

All Shortcut Keys of Tally Prime in Hindi

इस पोस्ट में मै आपको टैली प्राइम की कुछ महत्वपूर्ण शॉर्टकट की का लिस्ट दे रहा हूँ। जो आपको याद रखना चाहिए।

Tally Prime के सभी Shortcut Keys के बारे मे जाने

Use Shortcut Key
Esc To go back to the previous screen by closing the currently open screen
Ctrl+Up/Down To move to the first/last menu in a section
Ctrl+Left/Right To move to the left-most/right-most drop-down top menu
Home & PgUp To move from any line to the first line in a list
Home To from any point in a field to the beginning of the text in that field
End & PgDn To move from any line to the last line in a list
End To move from any point in a field to the end of the text in that field
Alt+F4 To quit the application
Ctrl+A To accept or save a screen
Alt+Enter To expand or collapse a group in a table
Ctrl+End To move to the last field or last line
Ctrl+Home To move to the first field or first line
Ctrl+N To open or hide calculator panel
Alt+T To hide or show the details in a table
F11 To open Company Features screen
Alt+G To primarily open a report, and create masters and vouchers in the flow of work.
Ctrl+G To switch to a different report, and create masters and vouchers in the flow of work.
Alt+K To open Company top menu
Ctrl+F1 To open TallyHelp topic based on the context of the screen that is open
Alt+K To open the company menu with the list of actions related to managing your company
Alt+Y To open the list of actions applicable to managing the company data
Alt+Z To open the list of actions applicable to sharing or exchanging your company data
Alt+O To open the import menu for importing masters, transaction, and bank statements
Alt+M To open the e-mail menu for sending transactions or reports
Alt+P To open the print menu for printing transactions or reports.
Alt+E To open the export menu for exporting masters, transactions, or reports
Ctrl+K To select the display language that is applicable across all screens
Ctrl+W To select the data entry language that is applicable to all screens
Ctrl+E To export the current voucher or report
Ctrl+M To e-mail the current voucher or report
Ctrl+Alt+W To WhatsApp the current voucher or report
Ctrl+P To print the current voucher or report
F1 To open the Help menu
Ctrl+F1 To open TallyHelp topic based on the context of the screen that is open
F2 To change the date of voucher entry or period for reports
Alt+F2 To change the date of voucher entry or period for reports
F3 To switch to another company from the list of open companies
Alt+F3 To select and open another company located in the same folder or other data paths
Ctrl+F3 To shut the currently loaded companies
F12 To open the list of configurations applicable for the report/view
Ctrl+Q To exit a screen or the application
F8 To select the sales voucher
F9 To select the purchase voucher
F7 To select the journal voucher
F6 To select the receipt voucher
F5 To select the payment voucher
F4 To select the contra voucher

All Shortcut Keys of Tally Prime | टैलीप्राइम शॉर्टकट कुंजी | Tally Shortcut Keys in Hindi (टैली शार्टकट की)

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